
发布时间: 2022-10-21 13:17:47 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 88




" There is a wait for a heart, you hope for the future; there is hope in your heart, so wait, what?" --"Listen to the students recommended that" the count of Monte Cristo" is the European Renaissance Alexandre Dumas representative, has always been to European culture" yegonghaolong" I, after many temptations, the two like a brick books moved back home." Pharaoh" first mate Tang theys captain commissioned, for Napoleon party sent a letter, by two despicable and judges of the trap, was driven to death row. The inmate Faliya father imparted to him all kinds of knowledge, and on his deathbed is buried in the island of Monte Cristo on a secret treasure told him. Tang theys escape after finding the treasure, become wealthy, then under the alias of the count of Monte Cristo, carefully planned, repay the benefactor, punish the enemy, finally will treasure secret have grace in his captain Morel 's son -- Maxi Milian.The masterpiece is the Comte to maxi Milian a letter ending, wherein, Comte warned Maxi Milian's words made me remember:" In this world, neither happiness nor misfortune, only one state with another comparison, and that. Only experienced extreme unfortunate person, can enjoy extreme happiness, until God heard to reveal the future to man the day ahead, all human wisdom is contained in these five words' wait and hope! '"Comte experienced misfortune is unparalleled, surrounded by the sea, suffering oppression in the death row was imprisoned for nineteen years. In prison, he did not despair, but hard to cure to learn all kinds of knowledge, not only I admire his persistence, the priest because" admire the young man" is he created many conditions. Be a successful escape after, he does not love of pleasure, but continue to advance towards their goals -- for their own misfortunes!Earl of tango, Fernando, and Villefort three enemy revenge is the most fantastic, ups and downs. He successively into their social circle, and by the duel mode that Fernando son -- Albert humiliation, until his father mad; recycle economic net, false information to tango, complete bankruptcy; and through careful planning to Villefort's wife played a bad heart, don't let yourself to be reduced to fragments of their family.The Department of the whole work, can't help to tears. The tears, do not count and Haide 's wanderings and sad, but the inner resilient feel admiration. I can't imagine, under the pen of Alexandre Dumas Comte could all his hidden for so long, he can still grace before the enemy ... ... All these, are beyond my imagination, but Ding Ling's words like" be filled with wisdom": people as long as there is a conviction, have to pursue, what can endure hardship, what environment can adapt.Yes, the world is what horrors? Flesh and blood there will suddenly burst out, just like a sword after refining the thoroughly tempered after the sword, suddenly bright sword, light, energy, and no one, no action can be matched with the reason. All successful people, is experienced be smelt, will have the stars shining today.They are like a caterpillar in a cocoon, saving energy, day in and day out, year after year, only to come out of that moment, they just for himself, proud;They are like in the martial arts world swordsman, soundless and stirless land in the valley of meditation, one day, drew his sword from its sheath, merciless Leng Jian kiss on your throat, you, still marvel at his persistent!In 1428, Zheng He's fleet in the first West, swagger before others behind, how many spring and autumn, much sweat and how much the militia 's body! He fought against the senatorial sunk in thought, while another one regulatory treasure ship in all matters. However, it was not in vain! Zheng He in the Western way, along the way so many countries and the Ming Dynasty established a good relationship, and regular tribute. The most remarkable is Zheng He" win people by virtue": Zheng He grant along some poor countries aid and trade goods. They never bullying, self-defense is measured. His fleet can be said to be truly conquered the country, this conquest is the heart of conquest, it exists in every human being's heart. When the fleet to go forward with great strength and vigour, people will not escape everywhere, but have come to welcome the people from far and. After Zheng He, there is no Zheng He! He grew hard, only to sail at the moment!He was 21 years old, do business failure; at the age of 22 for the State Senate election; at the age of 24 to do business failed again; at the age of 26 she died at the age of 27; had a nervous breakdown, once thought of suicide; at the age of 34 for the federal house of representatives elected; at the age of 36 for the congressman once again lost; at the age of 45. The federal Senate election; at the age of 52, was elected the sixteenth president of the United States of America, he is Lincoln, is such a frustrated over more than 10 men, boarded the stage of world politics, peak, nearly 40 years of frustration and wait patiently, so that he has a pair of invulnerability armor, he only and then the moment!Life is like a cicada, only to experience a painful transformation, to achieve highly renowned branches, life; life such as Zen, only be consistent from beginning to end the pursuit, to permeate life tips, expand its thickness!Remember that excite people's mind the" spirit of" bar, remember the protagonist Tai Lihua is actually the deaf the shock. In the silent world of Tai Lihua, to let the dance and time is completely closed, the only way is memory, repetition, and memory, repeat. She uses the body dance and music in my heart to worship life! Tai Lihua is like a dull world birds, suddenly blossomed very beautiful! Twenty years continuous memory and repetition, she just curtain at the moment!Jay Chou and Vincent Fang ten years grinding sword, behind the scenes for unknown to the public for five years! In five years time, they are constantly rebuffed, creation, and snags, creation flowing. However, it is the Federation of luminous gold, in five years under the power savings, they managed to be known, worship. " Hair like snow"," blue and white porcelain"," numerous hills and streams such as the popular song" become fashionable for a time to prove their strength! Five years of gray sad encounter refine a suit of the bright stars, he only bright voice the moment!As good as water social commitment Tomorrow the sun still shines. Yes, tomorrow will be a sunny day, as long as you pass through this rainy season. Today, it's raining and blowing hard. Is destined to be a day, more sad it will only delay a better tomorrow, because had come again also cannot do, all you have to do, is full of hope, to wait for the!


The book called the count of Monte Cristo reveals records and represents a total view of people and life in France of 19th century when the social structure is distanced from ours and the horror and dignity of a man equals his life. Unable to seize the big picture which Alexandra Dumas has obviously seized I put my focus on the focus of the book: Dante Edmond AKA the count of Monte Cristo who shines through the cover all the way to the last page. Seeing admiring and longing his unsteady lifeline, extreme fortune as well as misfortune and his air of height and detachment I on the other hand think what sparkles most is when Dante’s life reached into the unreachable bottom in the dungeon of Chateau d’If all alone.

Loneliness is the theme of both most fortunate and unfortunate men. Dante belonging to the former, the loneliness he encountered, suffered and was reborn from holds three elements which are shared by the universal concept of loneliness: the absence of addiction the presence of question and self doubt and the state of detachment. Each one of the three carries the rare function and unspeakable suffering they are also the inevitable steps on the path of evolution and distinguish pages engraved in the mental history of human being.

Loneliness and the absence of addiction

A fact that can’t be more manifested yet is constantly ignored is all creatures on the earth need to be addicted to something to live on. The birth of civilization diversified the core of each individual from the solo grasp of Mother Nature but failed to change that of the whole race. If we looked closely enough, we’ll run into the blind area of modern medical theory where only the addiction of drugs alcohol and other materialized forms is diagnosed. The fact is we all have addictive character and have to force ourselves into some kind of obsession to ignore the hollowness which truly fills our life. Those obsession often takes on occupation, hobby, aim and plan as names and hatred, love, vengeance, and anguish as content. Because few people realize their ever-lasting existence, nothing is done to prevent the harm which with more violence and strength effects not only on the body but also the mind. Yet what goes further on the destructive way than the necessary evil of obsession is absence of it. Being used the convenience and comfort of having the wandering life clinging to something, people who are suddenly taken away from all these and enter the fields of loneliness will experience a feeling of that is described as that all the oxygen is sucked out of the room. To make things worse and more unbearable all the spare energy, thinking and effort having nowhere to go will turn directly back to ourselves which leads to the second step of destruction.

Loneliness and the presence of self doubt and questioning

After the black –hole –like loneliness sucks in the conventional addiction along with the ambition desire fulfillment and all other armor people used to wear to protect from themselves the only thing we can come up with is the doubt which needs to be ascertained and the questions that need to be answered. Yet never could the hollowness be removed by questions as never could one hole be filled with another. Intended to bear the loneliness and to heal us, the doubt enlarges the hole and the questions end up cutting into the inquirers. To fall apart once and for all seems to be the most easy way out which is indeed a popular choice. And rarity, again, earns its name of precious .Self doubt and questioning is the ultimate way of self-destruction with the devastation that can only achieved by us, because we know ourselves too well. But every self evolution comes after self destruction. Being well realized and actualized by Mufucious, Buddhism and Christianity, this truth is best stated by Tyler Darden: It’s only when you’ve lost everything that you are free to do anything.

Loneliness and the state of detachment

Impossible as it is to compare the sacrifice and the rewards of loneliness, the mid-night tide of the latter rushes to the vacant beach with prevailing power and absolute cleanness. Loneliness is not an enemy whom ends up bleeding to death, but a tamed beast inhabits in the mind and heart. It is not a clerk as your service but a friend stays as a distance. Not that it is lingering a round but that is shares with you some of its rare quality: the sense of detachment. The period of loneliness created a rather distinct personal space from the world. When the loneliness leaves, the space somehow stays and will linger on. You’ll find the intimacy of old age never returns in one piece. Where connection ends the detachment begins, with that or harm could ever creep in. And with this strength mental could go further that the physical. And outside harm can be laughed at because we’ve been suffering the worse—the torture if loneliness.

The ultimate fear of man is not from outside jungle but from the inner world. We are shaking not due to our coming destruction but our mere existence. Loneliness happens to be comer one in a place where we have no choice but to confront ourselves without any distraction. The count of Monte Cristo suffered it all when he was trapped reasonlessly hopelessly and helplessly in the dungean when death is the most tempting way and loneliness was his only company. So afterwards he had it all, the ability to take everything easy, the air of undoubtedly dignity and the still lake of mind that doesn’t stir.

Victor Hugo said the name of Alexandra Dumas is more than French—it’s universal.” Literature knows no boundary of language or nationality but flourishes in the field of universal feeling and experience shared by all human beings. In this book, it's loneliness and detachment. That is why he who was fat, cunning and yet briliantly writing in France could urge me who is also-fat, but not-so-cunning to write these senseless words sitting here in the tropical area. A glance at it may tell no more than a distant silence, but do remember the words of wisdom: the tree of man is never silent, then it was Rome now it is I.”


Loves also thoroughly, hates also thoroughly. Gratitude is also thorough, complete revenge. This is when I read "the count of Monte Cristo" after the greatest feeling.
Chinese have a saying called "the gentleman revenge, no later than ten years", revenge is also need to recuperate and build up energy, and not by the momentary state of mind can act rashly and blindly. The count of Monte Cristo, it is the most specific interpretation of their actions by saying that. After fourteen years of the dungeon of his career, he was the essence of life is to find loved ones, benefactors and enemies. After confirmation by finding people, he did not like what we see in the martial arts novels that, at benefactor Baoquan cloud "go through fire and water, then the at, stabbed to death on the enemy sword". He chose his own way. For once the well to their owners a, he did his best to, silently supporting, in a variety of ways, but never let them know that I was coming to a debt of gratitude.
If he is moved by the gratitude, that his revenge is so most incisive, in we have several degrees of applause after a little bit.
本文标题: 基督山伯爵读后感英语怎么说(基督山伯爵读后感(英文))
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/236712.html



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