
发布时间: 2022-10-21 12:13:28 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 94




Something about humanity
The impressions of《To kill a mockingbird》
I saw this move in three weeks ago, I think this move is very outstanding work. It told us many good things about humanity. The move has a positive significance in the pursuit of racial equality, through the film we saw ourselves and see the good and evil of human nature. This move made me knew some truths. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway; the good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway; you show sympathy for the weak, people still follow the strong, but you must justice for the weak.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway. Tom Robinson is a diligent and kind black people. In the south of the US there has very serious racial discrimination at that time. Tom knew the white people despise them. But when Mayella asked him for help. He still helps her generous. When Mayella and her father Bob Ewell frame him up. He never hates the white people. He just feels sorry for Mayella, a white woman. Tom Robinson is a very goodness people. He has many good qualities.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway. The father in the move, Atticus, is a lawyer who was with a feeling for justice. He always helps helping others regardless of whether they have money. He help Walter Cunningham go to court and free of charge. But in order to kill Tom Robinson, Walter Cunningham wants to hurt Atticus. Fortunately the children comes and made angry farmers dispel the idea that to kill Tom Robinson. Atticus never want to takes revenge to those farmers including Bob Ewell so I think he is a magnanimous person.
You show sympathy for the weak, people still follow the strong, but you must justice for the weak. Atticus as a white people to against racial discrimination at that time is very courageous. The racist in that town all hate him, after the court Bob Ewell tried to fight with him and hurt his children. Atticus still help the black people and poor people. The local black all respect him very much. I think these must to do to be a good father and lawyer. He methods of life, his philosophy and values have a deep influence on his children. I believe that Scout and Jem will become honest good people.
This novel is a precious relics is what I want to say. At that kind、elegant and simple in the US, this novel keeps the hope and emotion for the people. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway; the good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway; you show sympathy for the weak, people still follow the strong, but you must justice for the weak. These things told me that there are many bad thing in the world; but there are also exist great things in the world. What we think, what we saw.

杀死一只知更鸟 观后感 英



其中律师芬奇先生的人格魅力深深感染了我,很多细节都体现出他是一.位体贴善良、 极具正义感的完美的人。不想让送核桃充当打赢土地继承官司的报酬的农民坎宁安难堪、小心翼翼的款待坎宁安的儿子、即使当时歧视黑人的白人们不满而且出面阻挠依然接受委托为可怜的黑人.辩....他就是我们一-直以来期待的律师形象。在开庭审判前-天,他为了保护罗宾逊,在明知有危险的情况下守在监狱门外。在偷看的孩子们的眼中,昏黄的灯光下,静静看书的父亲是那么伟大勇敢,以至于他们在看到危险后立马出来和父亲站在-起。在当时种族歧视严重的社会氛围中,芬奇先生就像一盏灯给 黑人甚至所有有良知的白人带来正义的光。让我感触最深的是法庭审判的部分,在原告和被告都陈述完毕后,我相信在场所有人根据他们的表现和芬奇先生提出的问题都明白了真相,而且芬奇先生在陈述时对陪审团一-再重读“gentlemen"来称呼他们,并希望他们摒弃冲动来评判证词,法庭上人人平等。然而两个小时后,由12个白人组成的陪审团却给出了被告罪名成立的判决,连法官也只能接受判决无奈离场。很多人明白罗宾逊无罪,他们也敬重芬奇先生,可是这并不能改变审判结果。这与芬奇先生在法庭上说过的“坚信法院与陪审团制度的正义性不符合现状”多么吻合,在当时社会意识形态下,即使宜称法庭上人人平等、即使没有证据表明是黑人犯罪,陪审团还是带有偏见地判处被告有罪。它没有以我们喜欢的喜剧收尾,而是让“知更鸟”罗宾逊的死这一悲剧来震撼我们,正义有时候很难得到伸张,但“罪恶”一词却几乎时刻出现在人物的台词里,也表明罪恶就在我们身边。
所以我们谈论法律,不能简单地看一些法律条 文。我相信当时美国法典是公正的,里面没有规定白人的证词都是无可置疑的而所有黑人都不诚实,它宣称人人生而平等。但是就如社会法学派的观点一一样,我们需要关注法律的实施,关注社会与法律的关系。在当时的社会背景下,陪审团制度无疑对受到歧视的黑人非常不利,不管他们做了什么,他们在许多白人眼里就是有罪的,这种偏见很难改变。因此芬奇先生是勇敢正义的,作为一名白人律师,他不顾社会舆论站出来维护正义,他希望寻求公正,他希望引导社会不带偏见地执法。
影片的最后,布尔为了保护詹姆兄妹俩杀死了尤厄尔,而曾经为尤厄尔作证的郡长这次却认为是尤厄尔咎由自取,决定隐瞒实情保护布尔。斯考特向父亲说:“(坦白真相)像杀死-只知更鸟,不是吗?”尤厄尔的死是正义无法得到伸张时的一-种安慰,虽然他胜诉,但在法庭上没有找到的正义最终还是有了一丝希望,他得到了惩戒。回到这篇观后感的标题,正义在艰难地前行,这- -次人们意识到正义缺席却无能为力,或许下-一次就不仅仅是意识到,而是敢于行动,不是吗?再艰难,正义的脚步也不会停滞不前。
本文标题: 杀死一只知更鸟读后感法律角度(电影《杀死一只知更鸟》观后感)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/236691.html



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