
发布时间: 2022-10-09 01:01:41 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 92




  如果未来的人穿越到过去的时空,两个时空重合,就会出现年龄不同的两个你。(当然,在back to the


Mysteries in History,
with your host, Peter Graves.
Although no one has ever been able
to prove their existence...
...a quasi-government agency,
the Men in Black...
...supposedly carries out operations
here on Earth...
...in order to keep us safe from aliens
throughout the galaxies.
Here is one of their stories
that ''never happened''...
...from one of their files
that doesn't exist.
1978. The leaders of Zartha
flee their planet...
...in order to escape the clutches
of the evil Kylothian, Serleena.
Arriving on Earth, the Zarthans bring
with them their greatest treasure;
The Light of Zartha,
a cosmic force so powerful...
...that in the wrong hands it could
lead to the annihilation of Zartha.
The Zarthans' princess, Lauranna,
beseeched the Men in Black...
...to hide the Light from Serleena.
But they had no choice.
Intervention would have meant
the destruction of the Earth.
However, in an act of galactic bravery,
the Men in Black subdued Serleena...
...allowing the Zarthans to escape...
...so they might hide the Light
on another planet.
Serleena, released from her captors,
vowed that the Light would be hers...
...and that she would destroy
any planet that stood in her way.
And so, never knowing what happened...
...the people of Earth were saved
by a secret society of protectors...
...known as the Men in Black.
Harvey, get over here!
Harvey. Heel, heel!
You're barking at the moon, moron.
Harvey. Harvey!
Hey, pretty lady.
You taste good.
Hey, what the--?
Yeah, you too.
Nothing fancy, no heroics.
By the book.
Got it. Hey!
Hey, Jeff. What's happening, buddy?
-We were wondering why you're here.
-The man's talking to you.
You know our arrangements.
Stay in the E, F and R subway lines...
...and you get all the garbage
you want.
What the hell are you doing here,
worm boy?
Excuse my partner.
He's new and he's...
...kind of stupid.
You getting big, Jeff.
Boy, what you been eating?
You like jokes, huh?
All right.
Sweet dreams, big boy.
Sweet dreams...
...big boy.
Transit authority.
Move to the forward car.
We got a bug in the electrical system.
People! We got a bug
in the electrical system!
Now y'all running?
No, no, no! Sit down!
It's only a 600-foot worm.
-Everybody out.
-Put the hammer down on this thing.
I'm Captain Larry Bridgewater.
I decide what happens.
You decide?
Okay, come here. Come here.
Larry? That's my man, Jeff.
-Larry just made a decision.
-Larry need to take his ass in there.
Don't make me do this, Jeff!
Eighty-first Street.
Just a second.
May I have your attention, please?
We thank you
for participating in our drill.
Had this been an emergency,
you'd have been eaten.
Because you don't listen.
You're ignorant.
How a man gonna bash through--?
That's the problem with New Yorkers.
''We've seen it all. A 600-foot worm!
Save us, Mr. Black Man!''
I ask you nice, ''Move to the next car.''
You just sit there like--
Thank you for participating.
Hopefully, you enjoyed our smaller,
energy-efficient subway cars.
Watch your step.
You will have a nice evening.
I need a cleanup crew
at 81 st and Central Park West.
Revoke Jeff's movement privileges.
Have him escorted
to the Chamber Street station.
And please check the expiration date
on the unipod worm tranquilizers.
Sorry, fellas. Station closed.
-Emergency drill. For your safety.
-Do you believe these putzes?
You're welcome.
I know, by the book.
Tee, when was the last time
we just looked at the stars?
This is a test. I can do this.
Ever feel like you're alone
in the universe?
-Hey, let me buy you a piece of pie.
Hey, you're not alone
in the universe.
-Remove the arm.
Please, shut up, Charlie.
Please, shut up, Charlie.
I'm tired of you constantly talking
behind my back.
You meet a girl. She's into it.
The best line you come up with is:
''Wanna come back to my place for some
tonsil hockey and egg salad?''
-Who are you and how'd you get in here?
-You like egg salad?
Why didn't you say it was you?
-Where's the Light?
-Here's the deal.
You're looking for this Light.
We found it.
You want it, it'll cost you 50 mill.
Here's how it'll work. First--
Where is the Light?
We couldn't find it, but we found
a guy who might know where it is.
He runs a pizza parlor
on Spring Street.
Let's go. And wipe your nose, idiot.
-Good pie.
Well, they got good pie.
What is wrong with you?
-You're gonna neuralyze me.
-No, I'm not.
You took me here
so I wouldn't make a scene.
You making a scene.
Let me ask you a question.
Why did you join MIB?
Six years in the Marines.
I like the action. Protect the planet.
You like being a hero?
You joined the wrong organization.
-You ever heard of James Edwards?
Well, he saved the lives of 85 people
on the subway tonight.
No one knows he exists.
And if no one knows he exists,
how can anyone ever love him?
Hey, how long we been partners?
-Feb 1 .
-Five months, three days.
-Started at noon.
-Nine hours.
Get married. Have a bunch of kids.
Excuse me. My buddy's kind of shy,
but he thinks you are hot.
Here it is.
I don't know what to say.
Years from now,
you know what people'll say?
-''Employee'' is misspelled?
-They charge by the letter.
They'll say, ''lmagine that. Big shot
like her used to work here.''
-You deserve it.
Bring up a case of Mountain Dew
from the basement.
Hey, Bruno.
Two slices of pepperoni and
information about the Light of Zartha.
-Whoever you are, don't hurt me.
-Where's the Light, Ben?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Let me down, ma'am.
I want to report a robbery--
You idiots see anything?
Wind blew the door open.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
For 25 years, I've traveled
the universe looking for it.
But it never left Earth, did it?
You kept it here.
What are you talking about?
I'm running out of time.
Where's the Light?
-I don't know what you mean.
-Listen, Zarthan.
You hid the Light on Earth.
I'll find it.
Once we have the Light,
Zartha will be ours.
You're too late.
Tomorrow at midnight...
...the Light will leave
the third planet and be back home.
Sorry you made the trip for nothing.
Now we don't know
if it's on Earth or not.
He said third planet.
It's here, you idiot.
-Third Rock from the Sun.
-I never got that till now.
It's on Earth, and I know
who's gonna tell me where it is.
-Don't you ever go home?
I see you neuralyzed another partner.
Bee, Dee, when you use
a fission carbonizer...
...attach a de-atomizer
so it doesn't sound like a cannon.
Hey, get some booties on them things.
You're crapping up the floor.
Check his visa.
The Cephalopods have been making
counterfeits at Kinko's on Canal.
And why do I have a dead Tricrainasloph
going through passport control?
That'd be my fauIt. I'm very sorry.
Please don't neuralyze me, sir.
-What the helI's that supposed to mean?
-Nothing, sir.
Good work in the subway.
-I remember Jeff when he was yea high.
-What you got for me?
Look. See those guys in black suits?
-They work here. We got it covered.
-Zed, what you got?
Dedication's one thing, but this job
will eat you up and spit you out.
You want to look like me
when you hit 50...
I'll be in the gym if you need me.
All right, there was a killing earlier.
1 7 7 Spring.
Take Tee with you
and make a report.
Tee. Right.
Tee. Right.
You have got to stop neuralyzing
MIB personnel.
He was crying
in the middle of the diner.
I hate that.
And plus, you can't count Elle.
She wanted to go back to the morgue.
I helped her.
-You need a partner.
-I'm cool.
I'll be his partner.
Jay, wait up.
I appreciate the shot, man.
-Thought I'd never get out.
-Lose the suit.
Sure thing.
Just going for the look.
But if I say so myseIf,
I find it slimming.
Not that I've had problems
with the ladies.
When you get down to--
Nice sled, very swank.
Heated seats? Sometimes I get hives.

黑衣人 英文观后感,一两百字

Men in Black III is a American science fiction film starring by Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones in 2021. This film is released in our country just four month ago. In this film, Agent J and Agent K encounter a new challenge. Boris the Animal, an alien, escaped from the moon prison and went back to 1969 with the time machine. Now in 2021, the history changed, because Agent K who made Boris lose an arm was killed by Boris in 1969. To save Agent K’s life and protect the earth, Agent J choose to go back to 1969 too and he succeed to stop the murder. The story is nothing new, but the end surprised me. Agent J found a secret about himself that who is his dad and how he became a partner of Agent K. He don’t know that his was cleared memory when he was a child. This is the fantastic part of the film.
本文标题: 黑衣人1的读后感英文版(黑衣人1英文读后感不少于100字)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/230656.html



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