
发布时间: 2022-08-26 08:57:55 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 95




Greek mythology impression after reading
When I read" Greek mythology" this book, can not help but admire the imagination. Each God, every hero, each person, each have their own personality, characteristics.
The Greek God as God in China. Chinese God is a figment of idealism, imagination, people give their imagination perfect, great and mysterious, they are ordinary people have not the supreme power, and between God and the gap between the very large; and the ancient Greek god is the embodiment of Greek heroes, their nature and people are very similar, their company in between God and man, both the greatness of God, also have advantages and disadvantages, gods and men free to get along, harmony is to. But, for the sake of their own benefit, will intrigue or even killing each other, such as the famous Odysseus design kill paaramedes, great Achilles and Agamemnon booty fell out ... ... The advantages and disadvantages are dripping wet all to show, the characterization is very realistic.
Is a history book, Troy the great war because of the gods to join, and make the content is more rich and colorful, make people love to read: the sea god Poseidon for Greeks open-circuit, ares for Troy back, the sun god Appollo aid arrow shooting Poseidon, the goddess Athena war ares ... ... I think as long as there, the front surface brave Greeks and Troy in battle, fight scenes.
本文标题: 美国的故事读后感(美国的故事的读后感50字)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/207064.html



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