
发布时间: 2022-08-07 16:57:24 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 100




"A boat across the end of the world was heading towards an unknown sea, hanging on the side of the bow while it is still gorgeous pool of wind and rain erosion immense banner, flag, dance with sparkling Yunlong general words - beyond the limit !, "by Ernest Hemingway is said of his work," Hits "in.
"Hits" mold of a classic tough guy image. Cuba, an old fisherman Santiago Ming Jiaosang alone a man fishing at sea, in nothing caught 48 days after the Marlins had an immeasurable. This is the old saw has never heard of the ship is longer than his two feet of a big fish. Great fresh fish are also great, dragging the boat drifted for a whole two days and nights, the elderly in these two days and nights have never experienced a difficult withstood the test of big fish finally stabbed to death, tied to the bow. But this time they have met a shark, the elderly and the shark had a desperate struggle, the results of big marlin, or eaten by a shark, and the elderly finally dragged home the fish only a bare skeleton.
Hemingway's why there is no final victory for the old people do? With the words of the elderly in the novel: "A person is not born must be defeated," and "people do can be destroyed, but can not be defeated." This is the "Hits of "If you want revealed philosophy. Undeniably, as long as the person who will be flawed. When a person admits that this flaw and try to defeat it rather than succumb to it time, no matter finally caught a full or an empty skeleton Marlins, which have been does not matter, because the value of human life has been a In that pursuit of Marlins in the process fully reflected. Once for the pursuit of their ideals too, fought, do not he is not a winner? Old fisherman is the courage to challenge their own defects and their own courage and confidence to the winner. From the secular point of view the victory of view, old fisherman is not the final winner, because even though he began to beat the big marlin, but eventually let sharks eat big Marlins, and he was only the bones of the dead with a big rack Marlins back to the shore, that is, a shark is the winner. However, idealists, eyes, old fisherman is a winner, because he never failed to big marlin to the sea to the sharks, and no compromise and surrender. As musician Beethoven said, "I can be destroyed, but I can not be conquered."
Human nature is powerful, and humanity itself has its own limits, but it is precisely because such a person is old fisherman again and again to challenge the limits, beyond them, this limit was extended again and again, again and again to even greater challenges lie in the the human face. In this sense, the old fisherman San Diego such a hero, whether they challenge the limits of success or failure, are worthy of our always respected. Because he gives us is the most noble of human self-confidence!
Life itself is a kind of endless pursuit. It is the road long, difficult and full of ups and downs but as long as its own tenaciously to a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, he will always be a real winner!


"Hits" tells the old fisherman Santiago 84 days in a row did not catch the fish case, out to sea for three days and three nights, and finally catch a big marlin, but on his way back to Hong Kong on several occasions been attacked by a shark to catch the fish only head and tail and back. This is a paean to heroism. San Diego 84 days before the hero for the elderly did not catch a fish, that "the blood poured mold," but he never waver in the pursuit of purpose, and what can not destroy his will. Therefore, he caught three days later in a big fish. While alone with the sharks is a very difficult struggle, the old fisherman first tie with the harpoon shark
When the harpoon shark towed away, he was again tied to pulp on a rolling knife, knives have been broken and in the end only with truncheons, and rudder to fight with the sharks. Exhausted all possible means to fight back, and finally defeated the ferocious sharks. Me feel like defeat powerful enemies, they must have perseverance, and the same as the old man, good use of the tools around and use wisdom. Even if fails, do not be discouraged, it will insist on victory. In addition, the old fisherman suffered repeated later in the pump to the big fish shark attacks, but also made me understand that when a person is successful, often face greater challenges. When the old man tied to the side of the boat, when the fish seemingly won, in fact, will attract a more powerful
The enemy - a shark attack. Similarly, in life, when we succeed, we must not complacency, it should be modest and prudent, the courage to overcome the greater difficulties and scale new heights. This story tells people a profound truth - people are not born for defeat, a person can be destroyed, but can not be defeated



老人与海 的英文读后感 急求!

老人与海的英文读后感啊!90词啊!不准要多的! 多的我不选你!90个词就足够了!最好有中文对照!谢!
"Old Man and the Sea" Du Hougan
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Author: --
Summer, I read the famous U.S. writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "Old Man and the Sea." I very much admire the novels of Lao Yufu's will, he let me know how a person must have the spirit of perseverance, will be successful.
     The novel is about a nearly Liuxun the Lao Yufu, in a single sea fishing, caught a big fish, but not of Rafah. Lao Yufu deal with the fish a few days after they found out this is a fishing boat several times more than their big Marlins, despite knowing that it is very difficult to win, but do not give up. Later, the Marlins wound on the flavor of the fish attracted several groups of sharks Qiangsi, but the elderly are still reluctant to give up on this, the final out of the tight encirclement, the big fish back to the fishing port, so that other fishermen admire不已.
When I read "Lao Yufu think: here from the coast is too close, perhaps in the more distant places will have a greater fish……", I very much admire the Lao Yufu, at this time because he has hit a Some fish, but he did not complacent, but toward a greater goal. Look at us, usually have little difficulty, we all suffer the sky. We are the future of the motherland, it should be like the elderly, like-minded Chi, to strive for better, more objective.
     When I read "Marlins started quickly surrounded by small fishing boats swimming, ropes wound to the mast, the elderly in Gangcha right hand held high, it Yuechu surface in the moment, to make every effort to throw its heart To, the end of the big fish out the whine of life, it quietly floating in the water…… ", my heart is like a big rock down to the. I very much admire that elderly people without fear, the spirit of perseverance, although the strength of strong opponents know, but he has not the slightest retreat, but difficulties. Because this spirit, the Lao Yufu was the only contest the victory of life and death. We have to learn in life Lao Yufu the spirit of doing things is not afraid of difficulties, can be successful.
     Read a big fish in the Xue Xingwei by a group of sharks smell, and competing travel to Qiangsi, the elderly cramp in his left hand is, he can only use his right hand and used sticks, catch the swordfish's mouth and all can be used to Offensive weapons in self-defence, and eventually drove them off a group of sharks. However, big fish eat the meat has been a half, and the elderly also humorously criticized his left hand "is the work of the rest", I was optimistic about the spirit of the elderly by wins. In life, some loss is inevitable, we should be optimistic approach to treatment, not Jinjinjijiao. Finally, a juvenile novel to see the full measure Lao Yufu in the 18-foot-long big Marlins, once again described the enormous Zhetiao Yu, Lao Yufu note by overcoming the difficulties of large, extraordinary.
     Lao Yufu Buweijianxian novels extol the efforts of fighting spirit, we should also, as he does, can not be satisfied with the status quo, should be positive and progressive, do anything to persevere, to the difficulties encountered difficulties, must not give up. Only then can we achieve greater success and victory.
本文标题: 老人与海英文读后感500(老人与海的英文读后感500词)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/199275.html



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