the pursuit of happiness is a great movie. It tells us that as long as we don't give up on life, life will give us something in return. When God closes a door on you, there's always another window open for you. As long as we keep trying, everyone can find their own happiness in life.
The rousing, true-life story of a single dad who went from living on the streets to owning his own brokerage firm is brought to the big screen by superstar Will Smith, appearing for the first time opposite his real-life son Jaden Smith. Set in early-x2780s San Francisco, the film charts the hard times and eventual comeback of Chris Gardner, a suddenly single salesman who has custody of his son, but finds that providing for the two of them is a challenge in the increasingly unstable economic climate. He struggles to work his way from unpaid intern at Dean Witter to something more substantial, even as life continues to offer him setbacks. Making his Hollywood debut, Italian director Gabriele Muccino was championed by Will Smith for the project. ~ Michael Hastings, All Movie Guide 甚么意思 The Pursuit of Happiness,当看到这个名字的时候,我就想到了这个故事一定是个幸福的结局,能一眼看穿的剧情也许本身就不怎么精彩。但对于处于事业的彷徨期,进退都不知道方向的我来说,此刻却给了无尽的激励. 该片的原型是来自于03年的一档<20/20>节目中Chris Gardenr的真实故事,影片讲述了克里斯如何面对令人难以置信的困难,如何克服事业失败,妻子弃他而去、无家可归的困境,并最终获得成功的人生故事,这不仅仅是一个从贫穷走向富有的故事,也是把他的经历看成一种实现自己梦想的成功案例.以激励这一代身处安逸而在梦想边缘徘徊的我们. 虽然该片还有很多的瑕疵,但这些都并不影响人们对它的正面评价,就chris而言,他是一个敢于面对现实,勇于承担家庭责任的好丈夫.是一个时刻保护着自己的孩子并努力为之创造幸福和快乐的好父亲.一个面对逆境从不气馁,为幸福而努力奋斗的好男人.就此情节来说,这是一个令人感动的父亲与儿子之间故事,也是一种在逆境中所展现出来的伟大与勤奋的缩影,在看完此片后,我就问了自己一个非常自然的问题:我也能做到那样吗?我也能像chris那样去经受和面对那么多的苦难与不幸吗?我想起了多吉平措的名言:面对艰难困苦,懦弱者被磨去棱角;勇敢者将意志品质磨砺得更为坚强。在现实面前,或许他就是那位勇敢者,而我却成了懦弱者。 克里斯的成功不仅仅是他的勤奋和阔达的胸怀,更重要的是他能认清整个事件的本质,不轻意做决定,一旦做了决定就一定会努力,不轻言放弃,哪怕前面的路再艰险,都得从容面对,对克里斯的成功,我作出的概括如下: 能明确自己的人生目标, 没有目标的人生,就像断了线的风筝,找不着重心。目标是对于期望成就事业的真正决心。如何去建立目标,不能凭空遐想,那样有些不切实际,也不能过于沉寂过去固有的人生定位,适时对自己的人生做出重新在规划,要立足于生活基本点,因环境而不断的改变,才能真正的走向成功,克里斯最初的梦想是通过推销所谓的“时间机器”来达到自己的人生目标,但最终他发现这是一个错误,这种不能适应当代社会的产品销售不仅不能改变自己目前的困境,反而是一步步的把自己推向失败的深渊,只有换一种方式,才可能是他唯一改变目前这种穷困潦倒生活的唯一办法,通过对经纪人的了解,结合自己的实际情况,他最终确定了自己的职业目标-----股票经纪人,在他看来,他具有成为经纪人的两大要素:数学和人际关系,数学方面,他能以最快的速度拼出魔方;而人际关系方面他虽然目前并不具有,但他相信可以通过较好的沟通力建立起不错的人际关系。这也是他相信自己成能为合格经纪人的前提。 善于抓住机遇, 高尔基说过,普天之下,善于利用时机者始能得到。机遇是上帝创造的,期待的机遇并不等于创造的机遇。一个人的成功有一半是机遇,一旦失去了机遇,那将终身遗憾,抓住每一个时机,去证明自己的能力,是实现自己目标的起点,chris正是抓住了这么一点,在路上巧遇托斯特尔先生时,用玩魔方的方式向他展示了自己能力.并最终得到了托斯特的赏识,成为他进入实习生的有力推动者.在我看来,在人生的道路上通过自己的努力会等到机遇,但最美妙的机遇也有捷径,作家梁晓声曾经道出一些幸运儿成功的绝密,他说:有的人搭上机遇的快车,顺风而行;有的错过于它,终身遗憾;有的一生都未能实现,默默地埋藏自己才华。所以当机遇敲门的时候,不要犹豫着该不该起身开门,否则它就去敲别人的门了。 对于遇到的困境果断的做出决定 当断不断,反受其乱。观念思维决定人生,选择决定成败。在漫漫人生路上,如何去选择,真可能让人举棋不定,但有限的时间总不会给我们太多的思维空间,有些时候,我们必须果断的作出决定,如果克里斯在面试时因为穿着无法取得招聘人员的认同而不知所措,他将不可能得到实习的机会;如果克里斯在得知实习期间没有一分工资,且录取率仅为1/20时,不能做决定是否来参加实习培训,他永远也不可能成为一名股票经纪人。虽然思考犹豫是必然的,但我们应当更加果断一些,大胆一些,等觉得准备好了,机会可能已经不属于自己了,尽可能减少错失良机带来的遗憾,加强这种紧迫感意识!因为机会总是会在我们犹豫不决中溜走。 在逆境中的自我肯定和自我安慰 这部电影让我想起了鲁滨逊的荒岛余生,在那样的绝境中,任何人都必须先解决心理问题,调整好自己的心态,才能有下一步行动,这就是鲁滨逊虽身陷绝境,但他还是找到了活下去的理由。和鲁滨逊一样,克里斯在从被房东清出家门的那种失落,到睡地铁口时那种感受恐龙时代生活的自我安慰,也说明了他能在极短的时间内完成心理调整,为他能在这个城市中顺利的生存下去打好了心理基础,他的这种自我安慰也是值得肯定的。 人际关系是克里斯成功之关键, 作为一位经纪人,人际关系非常重要,想成位一位优秀的经纪人,就必须处理好他同上司,同同事之间的人际关系,最重要的是还得跟客户搞好关系,因为是经纪人而不是学生,身处职场中,人际关系和销售业绩同等重要,没有好的人际关系我们就不可能做出好的业绩,同样有好的业绩,和领导的关系搞不好,也任然无法获得成功。从实习开始,克里斯就不断的建立自己的人际关系,在上司面前,他常向弗雷姆传递自己的问侯,甚至借钱给弗雷姆,即使自己赶着去见客户,他也会去帮弗雷克斯泊车,在平日紧张的学习中,他也不会忘记帮同事们做一些琐事。而在客户方面,他也懂得用不同的方式和客户建立起良好的人际关系,如上门拜访,电话致谢等。正因为他在人际关系和销售业绩方面的出色表现,得到了大股东弗雷姆的认同,于是,同获最高分成绩的两个人中,他获得了成功。 做最好的自己,无疑是从自己出发,以自己为出发点去看去想一切问题,这个咋一看似乎很易让人以为是一种狭隘自私的偏驳观点,其实不然,看完这部电影后我知道了这种说法是鼓励人去用一种积极的态度去面对自己的人生,一切尽在自己掌握。客观的看待自己,看待如何去选择属于自己的成功并为之去拼搏。 克里斯让我明白,选择对于每个人来说都是自由的,弗兰克说过:任何极端的环境里,人们总会拥有一种最后的自由,那就是选择自己的态度的自由。其实我们任何人,只要有梦想,只要有足够的意志和决心,都能创造属于我们自己的人生,改变我们的地位.我相信,只要我们不断努力,我们就一定能取得成功。我记住了克里斯的那句话:别让别人告诉你,你成不了才,即使我也不行,如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它,那些一事无成的人想告诉你你成不了大器,即然有理想的话就要去努力实现。(Don't ever let somebody tell you can do something, if you get a dream,you gotta protect it. people can't do something themselves,they wanna to tell you you can't do it. if you want something,go get it.period) 最恶劣的事态总有一天告一段落,或者逐渐恢复原状;只有想信自己,一切才皆有可能,Nothing is impossible.http://www.adwife.com/duhougan4057/
用英语写一篇《当幸福来敲门》的观后感The Pursuit of Happiness
When it comes to the movie,the Pursuit of Happiness,a lot of scattered fragments of it flash in my mind again and again.The movie is so splendid that it impressed me a lot,and there’s also much food for thought in it.It is not only the most touching movie I’ve ever watched,but also the most inspirational story I’ve ever heard.From it,I become to know a little bit of the philosophy of life, that is,”You got a dream, you gotta protect it”,”Don’t let somebody tell you you can’t do something”which is a great father to his son's care and education and also part of my favoutite in the muvie…
Another part we cannot neglect is the excellent job done by the hero ,Will Smith.He is really attractive and has a wide range of expression.He acted as a good father but not a successful salesman,called Chris Gardner,in the muvie.He has the force of iron will and he is so optimistic,that he never give up and strongly believed happiness would come one day if he kept working hard.For his son,and also for his own belief,he struggled against all kinds of difficulties,and finally achieved the happiness.
What’s more,the story is told to us very clearly,Life of Chris Gardner is divided into six parts:Riding the bus,Being stupid,Running,Internship,Paying taxes and Happiness,And the plot starts from the bottom and goes towards the climax step by step.Consequently,we can understand the muvie better and learn more from it.
Thanks to the Pursuit of Happiness,I did acquired a lot from it.Chris Gardner,just an ordinary man ,with such heavy life pressure,can achieve his goal with his amazing willpower.I even can’t believe it before watching the film.For us,the generation born with happiness,have much better life than him.Why are we always in bad mood because of a mere trifle? Why don’t we have a optimistic attitude and a strong will like Chris Gardner? We should take careful thought about it…
When it comes to the movie,the Pursuit of Happiness,a lot of scattered fragments of it flash in my mind again and again.The movie is so splendid that it impressed me a lot,and there’s also much food for thought in it.It is not only the most touching movie I’ve ever watched,but also the most inspirational story I’ve ever heard.From it,I become to know a little bit of the philosophy of life, that is,”You got a dream, you gotta protect it”,”Don’t let somebody tell you you can’t do something”which is a great father to his son's care and education and also part of my favoutite in the muvie…
Another part we cannot neglect is the excellent job done by the hero ,Will Smith.He is really attractive and has a wide range of expression.He acted as a good father but not a successful salesman,called Chris Gardner,in the muvie.He has the force of iron will and he is so optimistic,that he never give up and strongly believed happiness would come one day if he kept working hard.For his son,and also for his own belief,he struggled against all kinds of difficulties,and finally achieved the happiness.
What’s more,the story is told to us very clearly,Life of Chris Gardner is divided into six parts:Riding the bus,Being stupid,Running,Internship,Paying taxes and Happiness,And the plot starts from the bottom and goes towards the climax step by step.Consequently,we can understand the muvie better and learn more from it.
Thanks to the Pursuit of Happiness,I did acquired a lot from it.Chris Gardner,just an ordinary man ,with such heavy life pressure,can achieve his goal with his amazing willpower.I even can’t believe it before watching the film.For us,the generation born with happiness,have much better life than him.Why are we always in bad mood because of a mere trifle? Why don’t we have a optimistic attitude and a strong will like Chris Gardner? We should take careful thought about it…
本文标题: 幸福来敲门读后感英文作文100字(当幸福来敲门观后感英语 越短越好 60词)
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