
发布时间: 2022-07-11 07:58:28 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 92




In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna.Stop in here ,in this film I learn two things .First love is importance to everyone,because love can make us be strong.Second confidence can make everything be true,I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she did.


When I was in junior high school,our English teacher gave us a movie.It is called Frozen.The leading characters are Anna and Elsa,the are princesses.
When they were children,they played well.But one day,Elsa hurt Anna by accident.Afer that,their parents locked Elsa in the house.Because she has mysterious power,it can make anything freeze in her hands.Anna doesnnot know the reason,so she couldnot understand why her sister did it.they met in the end,then they had a lot of trouble.
My favorite word is“Love is an open door”.In our life,love is a great thing.It can make us be strong.If we donnot have love in our hearts,we will be loser.


In winter I watch a film,who is called Frozen,it is about two girls called Elsa and Anna.They were very closed in kid,one day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to propinquity anybody including Anna.Stop in here ,in this film I learn two things .First love is importance to everyone,because love can make us be strong.Second confidence can make everything be true,I think that not have any confidance you will be lose,just like Anna she have her confidant to find Elsa at last she did.


1,(talk about when you watch it. And you really like it.etc)
2.It talk about a princess called Anna.Her sister Elsa have ice power.But he don't want anybody to know,especially Anna.So she put herself in a tiny room for 13 years to conceal it.But when she is 21 years old,at the coronation day,the magic had lost controled.So Elsa run long away to North mountain to escape and make Arendelle full with ice.Anna want to go and find it.and she meet a ice seller called Kristoff.But when she meet Elsa,Elsa don't want to go back,and she don't know how to control this winter.But she don't want to hurt Anna,But she hurt Anna's heart in a panic.Anna turn into ice.Elsa make her love save Anna and stop this winter.
3.(the most important thing is not love but relationship.)
(the prince is not the god.they are not always great)


这仍是一部有迪士尼标志性特色的百老汇风格的动画片。在100多分钟的电影中共收录了9首歌,有独唱的小调《IN SUMMER》,有对唱的情歌《LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR》,更有《LET IT GO》这样入围奥斯卡奖的豪迈而抒情的歌曲。百老汇风格的动画不是迪士尼的专利,但毫无疑问,世界上没有任何一家公司能做出超越迪士尼的歌舞动画。在迪士尼影片中,歌曲与剧情已经完美地结合起来,以至于你无法分清究竟故事是串起那一首首犹如珍珠般闪耀的歌曲的线索,还是歌曲已然成为剧情发展到那时那刻所必须采用的一种修辞方式。

当艾尔莎出走来到雪山之巅的时候,她所演唱的那曲《LET IT GO》是影片最高光的时刻。忍受了多年的孤独,艾尔莎在这一刻抛弃了她所有的烦恼与顾虑,解除了一切身心束缚(包括她的手套和皇冠),当她用魔法创造了一个通往山顶的阶梯的时候,当一座冰雪城堡随着音乐的旋律奇迹般搭建起来之时,每位观众似乎也都把自己心中那些来自生活中种种的压抑与不快给抛开了。Let it go,让它们去吧!

本文标题: 冰雪奇缘英语版读后感1000字(冰雪奇缘观后感英文及翻译是什么)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/186210.html



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