
发布时间: 2022-07-06 03:57:18 来源: 励志妙语 栏目: 读后感 点击: 110



秘密花园英文读后感 600字

Read secret flower garden and ....
Thought that is children who see Dikkon with Eri that try to make the most of land lot that have been depressed almost all of secret flower garden again and is no things to do at first really.
Consider! What use do you have when rekindled land lot that have been depressed almost all? But, I did very enormous misunderstanding. Because bottle of choline that is Mary's uncle's sonarchie Keureibeun uncle's son in the flower garden disappeared . Choline did not have disease ash very first time speaking properly. My choline is thought that such forms are seen because of loneliness and that is gloomy.
But, choline changed. Thanks to Mary and Dikkon and forest friend plain, and secret flower garden ....
Does choline work hysteria touching wen like former days? or is back bent? ?doing go. Because choline changed, choline is not weak now. Is average man. If there is other a little with the average man, it may be an agate light gray pupil that removes origin of animation and choline that secret flower garden gives to choline way out and resembles.
Read two books and I started on travel from mind. Is virgate there and there was dull young girl and Dikkon, choline as as face is tallowy.
However, they turned by animate image after meet secret flower garden.
Is secret flower garden a name that is sent wrong as consider? Original name might be 'Flower garden of magic' or 'Flower garden of horsemanship'. Is not so although island in the sea island in the seawhenit magicbe. But, by magic that trick does not exist nature can speak that it is children own effort and true heart, mind, and secret flower garden justly that do to change bad and selfish and beggar-my-neighbor children by children who have love and hope and laugh.
After travel ended, I found flower shop of apartment store. Bought morning glory seed and balsam flower seeds there. I want to blossom cultivating seeds finishing my effort and true heart, mind and change myself furthermore like heros of book inside. But, change to approach to me somewhat in a way scary and fearful.
However, I try to accept as ideas which is a growable opportunity by it now. Secret flower garden learned importance and method that cultivate oneself and law that live along with surroundings of life to me finally. Gave really beneficial instruction living forward to me who is inexperienced in world and society yet.


  这本书讲述的是小女孩玛丽的故事。主人公玛丽.伦诺克斯,人人都说她是全世界长得最不讨人喜欢的小女孩。这话说的一点也不假。她小脸细长,身材单薄,一头稀稀拉拉的头发,还板着一张易怒寡欢的臭脸。由于她小时候缺乏父母的爱,使她成为世界上最随心所欲、蛮横霸道的小霸王。她的表弟柯林少爷,一个五官精致、脸色苍白、脸上的肉都凹下去的小男孩。他们俩由于种种原因相住在一起,都对生活充满了失望,而不被大人们所喜爱。一天,他们碰到了迪肯——一个仆人的弟弟, 从而改变了他们的生活。迪肯是一个对生活充满渴望、充满激情的小男孩,与玛丽、柯林年龄相仿。他带着他们俩在草原上玩耍,做游戏,玛丽、柯林很快就喜欢上这个小朋友,他们渐渐对生活产生了热爱。玛丽在和迪肯的一次次游戏中,渐渐长成了一个结实健壮、开朗活泼的孩子。玛丽、迪肯又用“魔力”把柯林也变成了一个健壮开朗的男孩,


To tell the truth, "secret garden" is a good book, no wonder the JK Rowling said: Reading the "secret garden" feeling pretty good.
"Secret Garden" is the U.S. writer Frances. Burnett's works. I have read the "Little Princess" is also her writing. So I am very interested in her works.
Edison has said so: good book is the author left to the human gift. This how a good book in that kind of a story? »
Pofu story to a mysterious and legendary ancient manor of color as the background, through a day in lost both parents in the small Yuanduchongyang Mary, came to Britain from India took its Gufu - Zhuang Yuanzhu by a series of incredible Erwenmudu Mysterious incident, and reveals the secret of this ancient manor of the vicissitudes of history.
The author is extremely clever idea of art, so that the whole story, Central interlocking, twists and turns of tension, suspense ups and downs, she also delicate psychological description, the book's characters to life, Huzhiyuchu…… However, we feel the novel is moving And sometimes Renjunbujin, and sometimes Cuirenleixia, is also the main author of his profound vision and sharp thinking, and is particularly valuable in a loving, true to reveal the different treatment of people living very different mentality.
Friends, when you read the novel, you will find not only enrich your knowledge, open up your vision, cultivate your sentiments, it will give you stay
本文标题: 书虫版英文读后感(英语名著书虫中《秘密花园》读书笔记)
本文地址: http://www.lzmy123.com/duhougan/184287.html



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